Welcome to the 7th International Conference on Management, Economics, and Finance, where we invite you to explore the fascinating realm of economic science. Set to take place from November 3rd to 5th, 2023, in the enchanting city of Copenhagen, Denmark, this event promises to be a gathering of unparalleled significance for economists, professionals, researchers, and academics worldwide.

A Gathering of Visionaries

This three-day conference offers a unique platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and inspiration. It’s the epicenter where economic science professionals, scholars, and thought leaders convene. Whether you’re a student, a professor, or anywhere in between, the ICMEF Economics Conference 2023 promises an experience brimming with insights and knowledge.

Exploring Economic Perspectives

The conference’s themes and subjects form a rich tapestry of economic thought, exploring dimensions such as Aggregate Demand & Supply, Applied Economics, Fiscal Policy, and Comparative Economics, among numerous others. This intellectual journey navigates through the expansive realms of economic theory, practical applications, and innovative approaches, offering a holistic exploration of the intricate fabric of economic discourse.

Participation Made Simple


Are you enthusiastic about sharing your original economic research? The ICMEF Economics Conference 2023 offers diverse opportunities for engagement. Whether you choose to submit an abstract or a comprehensive full-length paper, seize this opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the vibrant economic science community. Your insights could shape the discourse and advance the collective knowledge within the field.

Mark Your Calendar

Key dates for your diary:

  • October 13, 2023: Paper Submission Deadline
  • October 24, 2023: Registration Closes
  • November 3-5, 2023: Conference Dates Don’t miss this opportunity to become part of a global conversation on economic science.

Charting a Path to the Future

The ICMEF International Economics Conference 2023 is more than just a conference; it’s an opportunity to drive economic science forward. Don’t let this event pass you by; be prepared to embark on a journey that could reshape your understanding of economic science.

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